The Following is the diary of an explorer discovered along with his remains
Day 1: My small boat crashed today on the shore of a new
continent. This is where I was headed, off to explore the vastness of the
world. I was in territory far past the edges of the map and I was excited about
the journey. I had some tools with me and a blade for if the wildlife became too
rough. I plan to explore a little and eventually start up a small settlement
for people from my homeland to come.
Day 2-Morning: I heard noises in the night and they kept me
up. It was probably my imagination but I thought I heard the sounds of people
moaning and odd rattling noises. I came from a peaceful land and never heard
anything like it, but it is day now and I am ready to adventure some more.
Evening: Well that was an odd day, I found some pigs and I
roasted their meat with some wood I had gathered but I couldn’t bring myself to
eat. I had traveled all day, I should be hungry but I’m not. I’ll continue
filling out my maps I’ll only write if something interesting happens.
Day 5: The last few days, I have seen odd signs and terrain
that doesn’t make sense. I have seen sand that has fallen in odd ways and water
falling as if small channels had been dug to combine the flows. It is probably
my imagination getting the better of me.
Day 8: I have still not eaten since I arrived and I ended up
throwing some of my food away when my pack began to fill. Something of this
place seems familiar to me now, as if it comes from an age when the world wasn’t…right.
Things just seem odd as if terrain is random. Maybe I was too sheltered in my
Day 12: I decided to investigate the nightly noises and it
seems as if this land is more nefarious than I imagined. I saw the dead walk
the forests. I fought one of them off with my blade but it scratched me before
I could take it down. That explained the moaning but after that I ran as fast
as I could. It explained the moaning. I heard the thing make the same noises,
but the rattling and hissing have not yet been explained. I cannot sleep now,
knowing what plagues the night. And this seems unimportant now but I finally
felt hungry enough to eat for the first time since I arrived.
Day 15: I have not stopped moving since the incident on
night 11. I have taken refuge on top of a tree to catch my breath. I have seen
arrows whiz by my head and what I swore were small explosions behind me.
Needless to say, I am frightened. Though it seems as if they are hurt by the
daylight so I should be safe while the sun is out.
Day 20: I have found evidence of someone else being on this
land. I found a torch resting in the ground, burning and creating a light. I
did some nearby exploration and found what appeared to be a shelter dug in to
the ground. There was a bed in there and after blocking the entrance I slept
for the first time in almost 2 weeks.
Day 27: I have found more of the hiding holes in the ground
but I now fear whoever left them. They
kept traveling in one direction. It seemed as if they moved at the same
consistent pace and always rested at night. This person is fearless; there is
only one bed each time, so they must be traveling alone. I am following the
trail, my own inquisitiveness getting the best of me.
Day 34: I have continued following the trail, fleeing and
fighting the hordes of the undead that fill this land. I sometimes swear that I
hear a dog barking occasionally in the distance. I have stopped ending my
journey at night. I travel nonstop and this person has begun to build his
hiding places in the air above the ground. He is fearless and therefore
Day 57: I barely know what is real anymore. I have found
amazing canyons and deeps holes leading to the depths of the world. Sometimes
lava flows freely over the ground.
Day 74: I have become hardened, I can fight these creatures
easily now but I must stay vigilant. I shake constantly though it feels
unnatural, as if the world itself is shaking instead. I have been traveling so
far, finding the occasional work station and building small boats to continue
my journey westward. I feat the world itself is unraveling.
Day 85: I know I heard it this time. An unmistakable barking
of a single dog as morning rose. I am getting close. I know it.
Day 91: My vision is cloudy but I keep hearing the barking,
just ahead. I believe I have caught glimpses of this man I am following but I
cannot be sure of what is real. I haven’t eaten in well over a month.
Day 92: I heard a sound of some sort of humanesque cry. It
sounded like “Gee GEE GEE” I don’t know what it means but I am scared now. I
saw a mountain of sand fall in front of me. I now fear that he is hunting me.
Day 93: I know he is out there somewhere, I’ve heard him, I know
it. Maybe it’s just my (diary ends here)